Recent Projects

Salem City Water Transmission Line- Two mile distribution line connecting major pressure zones allowing for new development and increased fire flow protection.  Coordinated with Utah Department of Transportation project to install waterline during road construction.  Designed pressure reducing station to regulate pressures for residential laterals.

Nothgate Village Hydraulic Model- Large scale commercial development that required a hydraulic model to ensure fire protection.  Numerous fire hydrants were flow tested to determine existing conditions.  Fire officials were consulted and culinary waterlines were designed to accommodate culinary needs and fire flows for multi-story building.  Several models were analyzed to determine most economical design. 

Lake Bottom Canal Piping- High capacity irrigation canal was piped to allow multi-family development on redeveloped dump site.  Design incorporated large diameter reinforced concrete pipe to withstand high flows and deep bury depths.  Piping created pressure system, regulated salinity, and conserved water that was used to increase crop yields.

East Town Village- 380 unit residential and mixed use planned community.  Coordinated between two municipalities and special service district to share utilities and span two city jurisdictions.   Successful coordination between Utah Department of Transportation, Utah Transit Authority, City Officials, and irrigation companies created a successful project both Cities and the Applicant are from.  Atlas produced full construction drawings and was involved from concept planning to final entitlements.   Currently Atlas Engineering is involved in construction oversight and NPDES Stormwater compliance and inspections.

Hoback Junction (Wyoming Department of Transportation)- MOT Design
Reconstruction of bridge and roadway which serves as the main tourist route to Jackson Hole and Yellowstone National Park. Temporary detours were designed to maintain access to communities, businesses, and tourist destinations.

Salt Lake County Commuter Rail- Phase 2 (Utah Transit Authority)- MOT Design
Served as review official on all traffic control plans for conflict points between rail construction and vehicle traffic.  Many I-15 ramps were affected and had to be detoured or restricted.  Involved long term closures and major traffic pattern changes on high volume routes.  Plans were required to meet both UTA and UDOT standards. 

SR-93 near Wells Nevada (Nevada Department of Transportation)- MOT Design
Addressed safety concern on this high speed rural highway.  Speeds were lowered to protect traveling public and contractors.  Moving operation created special requirements for traffic control to maintain advance warning and protect flaggers.